This year I studied the significance of using the labyrinth as a reflective guide and I found the circular traipsing of the pathway reminiscent of internal work that draws on wisdom personal and borrowed. Here in this page, I share some of this reflective work – from my thoughts as well as others in the field.

This selective repository of my reflections on projects and facilitation in general provide a running record of sessions completed and groups that I have served as facilitator.

I also include some reference reading and tips form other facilitators that I have used and hold as rich food.   All are acknowledged with name and source as provided.  I acknowledge them here with a debt of gratitude.


Patricia Nunis

Pat’s Writings

  1. 21/03/2020 – Learning while Building Bridges
  2. 01/02/2020 – The Inclusive Lions of the Year of the Rat
  3. 2020 – Alchemy & the Facilitator
  4. 2010-2012 – A Review
  5. 2008 – Training or Facilitation?

Work of The Facilitator Community And Other Scholars

  1. The Wall of Wonder by Patricia Tuecke, 2000
  2. Theory U Framework – summary from North Star Facilitators, Facilitator Generosity Library, 2000
  3. The Circle Ways Pocket Guide, by Christina Baldwin & Ann Linnea, 2016
  4. Zoom Links for Virtual Sessions – from North Star, Facilitator Generosity Library,2000
  5. Becoming the Leader You Want – Izzy Gesell, email link, 25 March 2020
  6. How Meditation Works -by Liz Kulze, in the Atlantic, 7 Sept 2013
  7. The Humble Inquiry (excerpt) by Edgar Schein, Barrett-Koehler Publications, 2013
  8. Servant Leadership by Jane Wadell, Leadership Studies, Regent University, August 2006
  9. Antecedents of Transactional, Transformational, and Servant Leadership: A Constructive-Development Theory Approach by Marilyn J. Bugenhagen, University of Nebraska – Lincoln 2006
  10.  The Art of Focused Conversation by Brian Stanfield, ICA Associates, Canada
